The construction industry is amongst the fastest evolving industries. Technological advancements have served as a boon to this flourishing industry. Technical developments have helped to bring about digital transformation in the construction industry. The brief period of turbulence and uncertainty impacted the development of the construction industry. 2022 emerged as a year of re-emergence and growth for the construction industry. The construction industry is making use of technology to overcome issues of construction costing, labor shortages, and waste generation. Technology not just boosted the business of the construction industry but also roped in new trends. Here’s a list of the construction industry trends that you need to watch out for in 2022.

Safety Gear

The covid-19 pandemic that impacted the construction industry adversely, indicated the need for updation of safety guidelines. The pandemic layed emphasis upon the need for on-site cleanliness and the need for following strict safety protocols. It also increased the union’s influence on projects. In the previous years, the dependency on machines by the industry increased rapidly. The rise of machines increases the risk of safety hazards and accidents. Wearable innovations for job sites and wifi powered boots. The use of headsets for reducing noise pollution, and material moving mules for hazardous material transfer is gaining much popularity. Using 3D printing, tasked robots detect faults in construction and help to find safety measures for it.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts help the organization to buy, track and pay for services for a project over a shared system. Smart contracts make tracking deliverables to separate parties easier.
The use of blockchain technology in smart contracts helps to keep a track of deadlines and also increases security.

Robotic Technology

In recent years the construction industry has witnessed an increasing demand for labour. Quality labour is expensive and also hard to find in competitive times. To fill up the labour shortage construction companies are seen using robots. The robots are managed by educated workers. These robots manage and interpret data to perform a designated task.

Remote Working

The Covid-19 gave birth to a remote work module. The benefits reaped from the module made the construction industry embrace it. Remote working and mobile applications allow the worker’s worksite access for real-time inspections, on-site accountability and accurate measurements. It also helps teams to organize virtual team meetings.

Green Building

Green building is a sustainable construction norm. Green construction combines both technology and resources for building eco-friendly buildings. Green buildings reduce the carbon footprint on the earth. It enables vast greenscapes to cover the building structures and also helps in improving the resistance to storms and climatic changes.

Construction Management Software

Construction management software serves as a vital tool for improving business efficiency. The features of the software assist with data compilation, document storage, budgeting, file sharing, payroll, HR and inventory monitoring. The software can be customized as per the requirement of the company.

These construction industry trends change the global market and tackle challenges faced by the AEC industry. By adopting the new technologies, trends and practices the construction companies can reduce risk, earn more contracts and increase profitability.

About Author

Olivia Jones
Technology Specialist

Olivia is a highly skilled and experienced Technology Specialist with 10+ years of hands-on expertise in the rapidly evolving field of technology. She has a proven track record of successfully implementing and managing a wide range of technological solutions, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. Olivia possesses a deep understanding of industry trends and emerging technologies, enabling her to provide strategic guidance and drive innovation within organizations. With a strong focus on problem-solving, she consistently delivers tailored solutions that align with business objectives while maximizing productivity and cost-effectiveness.

About SoftTech Engineers

A leading IT company ( facilitating business and technology transformation across the AEC industry through innovative software products and solutions. Equipped with 25+ years of deep domain expertise and industry knowledge, SoftTech has helped more than 4500 clients & government organizations, with more than 25000 users in India and around the world to gain a competitive edge and lead from the front in the industry.