2020 the world was impacted by the deadly coronavirus. The covid-19 pandemic not just impacted global netizens’ health but also adversely impacted the economy of the world. The AEC industry is amongst the ones that suffered financial depletion and faced several challenges due to the pandemic crisis. Come 2022, the post-pandemic phase when the global economy started to stabilize and things normalized. The AEC industry plays a vital role in helping the post-pandemic recovery of the communities. Technological advancements and automation played a key role in helping the construction industry to overcome the post-pandemic challenges. Here’s how technology helped to rebuild the construction industry post-pandemic.

Remote working

The two years of pandemic made the construction companies rely on technology to stay in business. The remote work module and virtual team meetings helped in developing the construction economy. The remote work module has become the new normal now. Companies have realized that physical proximity is not necessary for all tasks. Rather relying upon digital technology and telecommunications is easier for solving the problems. The work from home module faced a few setbacks and challenges in terms of infrastructure inspection and machine operation. These challenges can be addressed with training, guidelines and functional connections.

Cloud-based ERP

The use of Cloud-based ERP has revolutionized the construction industry. Post pandemic the reliance on ERP for automation of tasks has increased. Cloud-based ERP enables easy payroll and HR management, project control, supply chain management, machine inspection, workforce handling and tender filling. ERP also helps with data management, inspecting 3D models and streamlining on-site and off-site project communications. Project cost estimation with ERP software helps to bring down over expenditure and also aids in saving budget. Savings in these testing times serves as oxygen to the struggling industry. The savings can be translated to higher wages for a workforce which helps to retain and nurture human capital.

Drone inspection

The use of digital devices such as drones helped to inspect the construction sites remotely during the pandemic times. The period of isolation made the construction industry dependent on drones for machine inspection, data collection and land survey. Data accumulated from the drones helped project managers to streamline the work progress and also upscale their skills.

Material management technology

Material mismanagement leads to over expenditure and wastage. Material management technology helps to cater to the logistics demand. The material management tools help to keep track of the material requirement, purchase, supply chain and usage. The tools also assist with the purchase of high-grade materials. The management tools help to evaluate the cost of various materials and also enable cost-cutting. Usage of material management technology benefits the construction industry to a great extent it lowers material damage risk, improves project budget and eliminates duplicate material purchases.

Advanced Analytics

Manual recording and data optimization delay the work. Manual recordings also increase the risk of errors in calculation. This is when advanced analytics steps in to aid with data planning. Advanced data analytics helps with decision making and designing processes. It eliminates the calculation and project planning risks. The key benefits reaped from advanced analytics include:

• Monitoring operational patterns
• Generating budget and project progress reports
• Eliminating data collection errors
• Removing site accidents
• Accessing real-time safety data
• Generating more profitability
• Enabling better competition
• Tracking proposal submission
• Improved billing
• Optimizing subcontractor performances
• Easy work schedule analysis

Technology and digital transformation have revolutionized the construction industry post-pandemic. Technology has not just strengthened the industry but also manifold the profit margins. The use of technology has helped the construction industry to overcome the pandemic crisis and thrive well.

About Author

Olivia Jones
Technology Specialist

Olivia is a highly skilled and experienced Technology Specialist with 10+ years of hands-on expertise in the rapidly evolving field of technology. She has a proven track record of successfully implementing and managing a wide range of technological solutions, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. Olivia possesses a deep understanding of industry trends and emerging technologies, enabling her to provide strategic guidance and drive innovation within organizations. With a strong focus on problem-solving, she consistently delivers tailored solutions that align with business objectives while maximizing productivity and cost-effectiveness.

About SoftTech Engineers

A leading IT company (www.softtech-engr.com) facilitating business and technology transformation across the AEC industry through innovative software products and solutions. Equipped with 25+ years of deep domain expertise and industry knowledge, SoftTech has helped more than 4500 clients & government organizations, with more than 25000 users in India and around the world to gain a competitive edge and lead from the front in the industry.