The dawn of the technical era has proved to be a boon for mankind and industries. AEC industry is amongst the ones that have most befitted from computers. The AEC industry frequently comes to face issues involving complex geometry and size obstacles. The advent of computational design helps to augment the AEC industry by resolving the complexities of design. The computational design creates complex geometry using a mathematical approach. Here is all about the use of computational systems in the AEC industry.

What is computational design?

Computational design is a method that helps architects and engineers to overcome the issues involved in designing. It is a fast, efficient and effective way of automating tasks and also assists with exploring multiple design options. Computational designs also help the designers to automatically propagate changes without the need of recreating the model manually. The computational design takes less time for illustrating and document.

What are the benefits of computational design?

Computational design not just solves designing issues but also offers several benefits. Here are some of the benefits reaped from computational design.

Better AR/VR representation

In the traditional method of project management, much time is invested in drafting construction blueprints. Large projects need blueprints with much detailing and precision. for such large scale projects, large studio and storage spaces are required. The development of a computational system helps with fast pacing the drafts and drawings with the click of a button. The computational systems help to save time, space and energy invested in drawings. The computational systems offer better 3D modelling and visualization. The computational system helps the architects and visualizers to better represent the VR designs. It offers better modelling and rendering, thus making it a better client experience.

Enables use of multiple algorithms

A computational system makes use of code or algorithms created by software engineers to interact with humans. Creating specific algorithms or separate codes for different programs makes results more precise. The usage of multiple algorithms helps to develop a spectrum of possible forms of design parameters. The usage of multiple algorithms delivers aesthetically pleasing complex forms and also helps to digitally fabricate them.

Easy documentation

AEC projects involve much documentation. Mismanaged documents impact the projects adversely. Computation helps to document the project information in a systematic directory. This way one can find the information in a sorted manner. The computation system also stores and encrypt the data protecting it against data breach.

3D printing

3D printing is used for making building shapes and forms. It is widely utilized in various sectors of architecture and construction. 3D printing has helped the AEC industry to construct experimental structures, installations, housing and buildings.

Easy surveying

In the AEC industry survey of land before construction initiation is crucially important. Computational architecture assists with the surveying of lands and terrain.3D scanning and imaging technology help to get accurate survey data and precise survey reports. Often due to harsh climatic conditions, an onsite site land survey is not possible even a survey of rough terrains can deliver error reports. The use of drones and AI helps to eliminate such crises and deliver accurate survey results.

BIM integration

BIM helps to shun the traditional way of construction. It is way more efficient and reliable. It offers a better connection between construction professionals and clients. Bim helps to integrate work and improves communication and documentation. It also synchronized the onsite work with project schedules.

Enables simulations

Simulations are an effective way of analysing the designs and inefficiently improving them. There are several types of simulations such as structural simulations, earthquake simulations, energy simulations, green building and wind tunnel simulations. Structural simulations help o analyse the load placed on each member of the building and also find possible defects in the design. Wind tunnel simulations help to check the air pockets created at high altitudes for skyscrapers. Green building and energy simulations help with checking the thermal information of the building and sites. The data accumulated from the simulations help the designers to find solutions to design defects and also helps to solve the pre-construction issues.

Improves project management

A computational project management system helps to keep a check on the progress of the projects It also helps to synchronize the project schedule with the onsite work delivery. The system also offers building cost estimation and detects possible risks incurred in projects.

Computation systems play a crucial role in the AEC industry. It gives the industry the right designing direction and also manifolds the profits generated. Adaptation to this technology brightens the future of the AEC industry.

About Author

Olivia Jones
Technology Specialist

Olivia is a highly skilled and experienced Technology Specialist with 10+ years of hands-on expertise in the rapidly evolving field of technology. She has a proven track record of successfully implementing and managing a wide range of technological solutions, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. Olivia possesses a deep understanding of industry trends and emerging technologies, enabling her to provide strategic guidance and drive innovation within organizations. With a strong focus on problem-solving, she consistently delivers tailored solutions that align with business objectives while maximizing productivity and cost-effectiveness.

About SoftTech Engineers

A leading IT company ( facilitating business and technology transformation across the AEC industry through innovative software products and solutions. Equipped with 25+ years of deep domain expertise and industry knowledge, SoftTech has helped more than 4500 clients & government organizations, with more than 25000 users in India and around the world to gain a competitive edge and lead from the front in the industry.