PWIMS Application Case Study – PWD WB (West Bengal)


Publics Works Department, West Bengal
Construction Services
Engaged in planning, designing, construction, and maintenance of Government assets in the field of built environment and infrastructure development
Client Information
Publics Works Department, West Bengal is one of the prestigious departments under the control of Govt. of West Bengal. Under PWD, the Public Works and Public Works (Roads) Department are presently charged with the planning, survey, design, construction, and maintenance of Roads, Bridges, and Buildings throughout the state as well as having various responsibilities for emergency and relief activities PWD provides infrastructural support for original and repairs work to all departments’ works under govt. of West Bengal as well as the department of semi-Govt. / Govt. undertakings.
Modules Implemented
SOR Management, Estimation Management, Approval and Sanctions, Tender Management, Store & Project management, Billing & Account Management, Establishment Management, and MIS.
The objective of the Project was to provide efficient service to the current and future investors, employees, and other Govt. Agencies by implementing IT systems to enhance the effectiveness of PWD’s processes.
Project Description
Works Management System (PWIMS), is in the phase of implementing the WMS solution at PWD WB. PWIMS is a centralized web-based application to be accessed by all the users (officials of PWD WB) across the state. This project is successfully implemented in PWD City Division and will be rolled out in 676 locations across West Bengal. The scope of work included designing, developing, and implementing the Works Management System with the above-mentioned Modules, the rollout of the application in all offices of PWDWB, and post-implementation support along with change management.
Issue and Challenges
There were several issues and daunting challenges that PWD sought to overcome and decided to go for complete automation of engineering departments through the work management system. One of the challenges was non-uniformity of many reports across divisions & very complex administrative and technical sanctions of estimates, maintaining the Schedule of rates (SOR) for their zones and revised every year, ensuring transparency in the tendering process, maintaining measurement book and approval of billing, payment to contractors and most importantly provisioning and decision-making system that provided alerts and reports covering all areas of its operations.
SoftTech is in the process of implementing its proven e-Governance product PWIMS and customizing it to provide the solution for the engineering functions including SOR Management, Estimation Management, Approval and sanctions, store management, Billing and Accounts management, MIS, and integration with e-tendering. The system provides a graphical Dashboard for decision support, which can be accessed through the Portal. The WMS at PWD will significantly enhance PWD’s responsiveness to its customers, its ability to monitor various aspects of its services and create significant accountability and transparency in its operations.