Sustainability solutions pioneering greener tomorrow with substantial cost savings

Drive meaningful change in the way you build new and operate existing structures to reduce carbon footprint

Purpose-built for Pre-Construction | Construction Building Operations

Addressing sustainability challenges

Civit suite sustain
In an era where sustainability is paramount, the construction industry faces significant hurdles. SoftTech’s Sustain solutions with the blend of the most advanced technology, Digital Twin, and expert services, transform these challenges into opportunities. We offer actionable insights and solutions for meeting the most ambitious energy efficiency, net-zero, and decarbonization goals.

Whether it’s optimizing energy efficiency, integrating renewable energy sources, or implementing sustainable building practices, we’re committed to creating a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Paving the path for energy-efficient, beautiful tomorrow

We equip organizations with the tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of sustainability. Whether it’s a new project or existing asset, our sustainability solutions help optimally align operations and sustainability to achieve efficiency and significant cost savings.
40%+ CapEx savings

For new building assets

70% Savings in OpEx

For existing building operations

Sustainability for new buildings

SoftTech’s Sustainability Solutions for new buildings revolutionize the construction landscape by integrating cutting-edge technologies and proven sustainable practices. From project inception to completion and sustainable operations, we empower stakeholders to design and construct energy-efficient, environmentally conscious structures that meet the highest sustainability standards.

In the pre-construction phase, our solutions guide stakeholders in optimizing designs through energy modeling, sustainable material selection, and environmental impact assessments.

During construction

We promote sustainable practices, provide real-time monitoring, and facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources.

Post-construction operations

For on-going building operations, our solutions focus on energy management, preventive maintenance, and sustainability reporting to ensure long-term efficiency and environmental responsibility.

Sustainability for New Buildings
Digital Twin simulations & visualizations
Digital Twin simulations & visualizations
Maximum energy-efficient building design modeling
Maximum energy-efficient building design modeling
Tracking against energy efficiency benchmarks
Tracking against energy efficiency benchmarks
Guidance on selection of eco-friendly materials
Guidance on selection of eco-friendly materials
Implementation of renewable energy sources
Implementation of renewable energy sources
Lifecycle & feasibility analysis with risk mitigation
Lifecycle & feasibility analysis with risk mitigation
Energy consumption simulations & what-if analysis
Energy consumption simulations & what-if analysis

Balancing operations & sustainability for existing building

Our Sustainability Solutions for existing buildings redefine environmental responsibility by enhancing operational efficiency and identifying opportunities for cost savings. We utilize innovative technologies and sustainable practices to analyze building operations and recommend strategies to meet sustainability goals while reducing resource consumption and operating costs. 

From audits to performance assessments, our solutions provide actionable insights to optimize existing building systems and achieve long-term environmental sustainability

Energy audit & assessments
Audits & assessments
Netzero performance benchmarking
Netzero performance benchmarking
Renewable energy sources integration
Renewable energy sources integration
Building envelope optimization
Building envelope optimization
Proactive Ai-driven maintenance schedules
Proactive AI-driven maintenance schedules
Energy demand tracking & response programs
Energy & water demand tracking & response programs
Energy consumption forecasting & planning
Energy & water consumption forecasting & planning
Regulatory compliance & Green Building certifications
Regulatory compliance & Green Building certifications
Carbon emissions reduction & cost savings measures
Carbon emissions reduction & cost savings measures
Building performance monitoring - air, light, water
Building performance monitoring – energy, water, air, light, & thermal comfort
Retrofit recommendations with energy-efficient technologies
Retro-fitting & retro-commissioning recommendations for efficient operations

Case study

AutoDCR Application Case Study— Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

See more success stories 

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