SoftTech Care Foundation
A beacon of hope and compassion

In the heart of a bustling city, nestled within the towering buildings of corporate success, there stands a beacon of hope and compassion: SoftTech Care Foundation, a subsidiary of SoftTech Engineers Limited. Beyond the gleaming facades and bottom lines, this foundation bears a greater mission for enriching communities.
Vijay Gupta

“It is our deep-seated commitment to empowering the most disadvantaged segments of our society. It is a testament to our belief in the power of collective effort and targeted support to foster change.”

Vijay Gupta, SoftTech CEO

Life matters

Life Matters

At the heart of it all is the tagline that served as a constant reminder of the foundation’s purpose: “Life Matters.” It is a rallying cry for compassion, a call to prioritize the well-being of all living beings and communities, and a solemn vow to safeguard the environment and all natural resources.

It is the culture of responsibility and empathy that defined SoftTech Care Foundation.It is a culture that transcends boundaries, inspiring others to join in the mission and contribute to building a better, more inclusive world. For in the end, it is not just about the legacy left behind but the lives transformed along the way. And in that, SoftTech Care Foundation found its true purpose: to make a difference, one act of kindness at a time.

Pillars of our social responsibility mission

It all began with a vision, a vision to transform lives and communities, to uplift the underprivileged, and to nurture a world where every individual life thrives. At the core of this vision are six pillars, each bearing the weight of noble aspirations.


Extending support to underprivileged children, including those facing special challenges, to ensure equitable access to knowledge and opportunities for all.
Healing and Health

Healing and Health

Prioritizing medical assistance, preventive healthcare, and access to safe drinking water and sanitation as cornerstones of the foundation’s commitment to holistic wellness.
Hunger Relief

Hunger Relief

Engaging in a relentless battle against hunger and malnutrition, striving to alleviate suffering and provide sustenance to vulnerable communities.
Livelihood Enhancement

Livelihood Enhancement

Empowering individuals with skills and resources for sustainable livelihoods, fostering economic independence and resilience.
Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Advocating for gender equality, empowering women, and supporting those with physical disabilities to ensure inclusive opportunities for all to thrive.
Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Beyond rhetoric, a firm commitment to protect biodiversity, conserve natural resources, and preserve the quality of soil, air, and water for future generations.

Values driving our actions

The foundation is guided by values rooted in interconnectedness, recognizing the intertwined fates of individuals, communities, and the environment. This holistic approach drives its CSR initiatives, ensuring each action has a ripple effect, extending far beyond its immediate impact, embodying principles integral to its existence.




Our work

Initiatives championed by the foundation embody the very essence of the SoftTech Care Foundation’s mission: to forge a better, healthier, and more sustainable world through deliberate actions and an unyielding dedication to our core values. From supporting frontline healthcare facilities to fostering community well-being and environmental stewardship, every endeavor is guided by our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact.

Nurturing hope and dignity: Nirmala Seva Sangh

March 2024

Nurturing Hope and Dignity Nirmala Seva Sangh

The Nirmal Seva Foundation, a beacon of selfless service, stands tall in its mission to uplift the lives of the most vulnerable. With a heart full of compassion, it reaches out to elderly women in their darkest hours, offering not just care but a glimmer of hope in a world often clouded by despair. SoftTech joins hands with the Foundation, intertwining their destinies in a shared pursuit of kindness and transformation. SoftTech’s provision of hospital beds echoes the echo of their shared values, lighting up the path toward a future brimming with promise and possibility from city streets to remote corners, ensuring every individual receives the dignity they deserve.

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting its warm embrace upon the world, SoftTech and the Nirmal Seva Foundation stand side by side, their spirits ablaze with the fire of purpose. In their union lies the promise of a brighter tomorrow, where compassion knows no bounds and every soul finds solace in the embrace of love and care.

Championing life through blood donation drive

December 2023
Championing Life through Blood Donation Drive

SoftTech Care Foundation and Jupiter Hospital aligned their efforts, uniting in a profound mission to enhance healthcare and save lives. A transformative Blood Donation Drive was organized, symbolizing the potent force of unity and altruism. Volunteers flooded in, driven by a collective determination to answer the call of those in need, embodying the essence of community care and social responsibility.

Beyond mere charity, this event epitomized the shared values of SoftTech, fostering a culture of compassion and solidarity. The outpouring of support from both employees and the broader community of local residents and businesses underscored the universal desire to make a tangible impact. Amidst the bustling activity, each drop of donated blood became a symbol of hope and healing, affirming the power of collective action to uplift and transform lives with resilience and compassion of humanity.

Championing Life through Blood Donation Drive

Pink Ribbon Empowerment drive at SoftTech

June 2023
Pink Ribbon Empowerment Drive at SoftTech
In a bold stride towards health empowerment, SoftTech joined hands with Prashanti Cancer Care Mission to host the “Pink Ribbon Empowerment” event, a beacon of awareness and support in the fight against breast cancer. Held at our Pune office, the event aimed to equip employees and their families with essential knowledge and resources for proactive breast health management, showcasing SoftTech’s unwavering commitment to social responsibility.

Through a substantial donation to Prashanti Cancer Care Mission, SoftTech reaffirmed its dedication to supporting healthcare organizations providing crucial services and education to underserved communities. This collaboration emphasized SoftTech’s belief in collective action and its potential to drive meaningful change. By fostering interactive sessions and educational workshops led by healthcare experts, the event empowered attendees with a deeper understanding of breast health, leaving a lasting impact that extended beyond its immediate participants. Through partnerships like this, SoftTech aimed to create a ripple effect of awareness and support, promoting a healthier future for all.

The Feedathon Marathon

February 2023
The Feedathon Marathon
The Feedathon aimed at raising awareness about the plight of the street underprivileged and demonstrated the power of collective action to effect meaningful change. It epitomized the commitment to wellness and community outreach. Before the city woke up, a crowd of eager faces gathered for the SoftTech-sponsored Feedathon marathon, a fusion of fitness and philanthropy that embodied their dedication to making a positive difference. 

As participants raced toward the finish line, their strides symbolized a journey of giving back, fueled by compassion and camaraderie. Along the route, volunteers stood ready, collecting donations of food and clothing from both runners and spectators alike. With events like these as our compass, we remained steadfast in our belief that together, our foundation will continue to make a profound and lasting difference—one step at a time.

The Feedathon Marathon

Fostering environmental stewardship

December 2022
Fostering Environmental Stewardship
The SoftTech Care Foundation’s Tree Plantation Drive stirred a profound sense of purpose for mother earth. For SoftTech employees, it was more than a routine activity—it was a call to action, a chance to shape a sustainable future. Planting each sapling symbolized their commitment to environmental stewardship, amplifying biodiversity, combating climate change, and enhancing community beauty.

Beneath the shade of newly planted trees, employees united in a shared mission to green Pune. Beyond the act itself, their camaraderie and dedication spoke volumes about SoftTech’s ethos—rooted in responsibility and a drive for meaningful change. Through initiatives like the Tree Plantation Drive, SoftTech not only contributed to environmental well-being but also nurtured a sense of unity and purpose within its community, sowing the seeds of a brighter tomorrow.

Blood donation drive

August 2022
Blood Donation Drive
In a brilliant display of community service, SoftTech Care Foundation and Jupiter Hospital united once again for the Blood Donation Drive, transcending individual boundaries in their shared commitment to health and welfare. Recognizing the critical need for blood in healthcare, SoftTech orchestrated the drive to bridge the gap between demand and supply, fostering a culture of donation within the community.

Each donation at the event carried profound significance, offering hope and comfort to those in need. SoftTech’s dedication to responsibility and compassion shone through, reflecting their commitment to fostering unity and overcoming challenges together. As the day concluded, they reflected on the drive’s success, recognizing that their collective efforts had not only saved lives but also exemplified the power of coming together for the greater good.

Blood Donation Drive

Embracing inclusivity and support

May 2022
Embracing Inclusivity and Support
SoftTech’s partnership with Aniket Sevabhavi Sanstha exemplified the commitment to fostering an inclusive society where everyone, regardless of ability, found solace and joy. Through material donations and active engagement, including providing cement for new facilities and organizing games and activities, SoftTech illuminated the darkest corners of adversity with sparks of laughter and joy. Their presence served as a testament to the transformative power of empathy and kindness, nurturing bonds of friendship and camaraderie that united them in a shared purpose of making a difference in the lives of others.

For SoftTech, this initiative went beyond mere giving; it embodied a commitment to fostering compassion within and beyond their organization. It underscored the profound fulfillment found in extending a hand of support, in the warmth of a grateful smile, and in the shared moments of joy. As they continued their journey, SoftTech knew that their efforts would continue to spread kindness and empathy, lighting up the world with the radiance of their compassion and the warmth of their hearts, reaffirming the enduring power of community support and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

Supporting healthcare through technology

April 2022
Supporting Healthcare through Technology
In a significant stride for healthcare advancement, the SoftTech Care Foundation made a resounding impact on hospital safety and hygiene by generously donating an Autoclave Machine to Adventist Hospital in Pune, a Christian Missionary Hospital operated by The Medical Trust of Seventh-day Adventists. This initiative exemplified SoftTech’s steadfast dedication to supporting frontline healthcare facilities, especially in times where health and cleanliness are paramount concerns.

The Autoclave Machine, crucial for sterilizing medical instruments, now stands as a cornerstone asset in maintaining the hospital’s highest standards of infection control. SoftTech’s donation not only reinstated surgeries that had halted due to lack of funds but also underscored their commitment to bolstering healthcare infrastructure, ensuring the safety of patients and healthcare workers alike. This contribution aligns with SoftTech’s broader commitment to health and safety, recognizing the pressing need for robust healthcare support systems during challenging times.

Supporting Healthcare through Technology

Hope for HIV affected women and children

March 2022
Hope for HIV Affected Women and Children
On the occasion of Women’s Day 2022, the compassionate spirit of SoftTech Care Foundation shone brightly as it extended its unwavering support to the Mamta Foundation, a beacon of hope for HIV-positive children and women. Mamta Foundation, led by compassionate women, provides vital care and support to those affected by HIV, offering shelter and compassion in the face of the epidemic’s devastating toll. In Maharashtra, where over 5.7 million cases of HIV are registered nationwide and Pune ranks second within the state, Mamta Foundation stands as a beacon for marginalized individuals, particularly women and children left vulnerable by loss and societal rejection due to the pervasive social stigma surrounding HIV.

SoftTech Care Foundation’s donation to Mamta Foundation signifies more than monetary aid—it symbolizes a beacon of hope, demonstrating their commitment to combating stigma and empowering marginalized communities. Through such partnerships, SoftTech Care Foundation aims to foster a more inclusive society where every individual, regardless of health status, is treated with dignity and respect. As Women’s Day 2022 concludes, SoftTech Care Foundation remains steadfast, having not only touched lives but also sown seeds of change for a brighter future.

Empowering the underprivileged

March 2022
Empowering the Underprivileged
On International Women’s Day, the SoftTech Care Foundation proudly partnered with the Ajit Foundation, a renowned organization dedicated to uplifting the underprivileged through education, health, skill development, and sustainable livelihoods. Ajit Foundation’s holistic approach encompasses critical issues like water management, environmental conservation, women’s empowerment, and food security, reflecting their commitment to societal welfare and disaster relief efforts. Through collaboration, SoftTech Care Foundation reaffirms its own commitment to social responsibility, aiming to amplify impact and make meaningful contributions to a more equitable and sustainable future.

These joint initiatives align closely with SoftTech Care Foundation’s core mission of cultivating a better, healthier, and more sustainable world. With unwavering dedication to their core values, SoftTech remains steadfast in its resolve to drive positive change and uplift communities in need.

Empowering the Underprivileged